These General conditions arrange the relations between "SHOES EXPERT” EOOD (referred to as on one side, and users of electronic (internet) pages and services located in the domain (referred to as the site). These terms bind all users. By pressing any object, link or key placed on the pages of (with the exception of these General Terms) the user agrees, accepts in full and undertakes to observe these General terms.
SHOES EXPERT EOOD is company registered under the Commercial Act of the Republic of Bulgaria with seat and business address:
City of Sofia, 6 Beethoven L V Street, entrance A, floor 2; UIC under BULSTAT: BG 175427348;
To have the right to make valid orders for purchase of goods offered in, you need to register at first.
The registration is done by entering the address that will be used for delivery, your name and surname, e-mail, phone for contact. You also need to choose a password. After your successful registration, for each individual order you may correct your phone for contact and address for delivery, as well as to indicate your representative for receiving the order. By ticking the box “I agree with the General terms” the customer makes an electronic statement by implication of the Law on electronic document and electronic signature, by which declares that he/she is acquainted with these general terms and accepts them.
Terms for use and privacy of personal data
SHOES EXPERT EOOD shall reserve the right to change the prices at its own discretion any time without being obliged to notify the users in advance. The user should pay the price which has been effective at the time of order. The product prices in online shop for shoes may be different from those in the sales network.
Any information becoming known during purchase from the shop for shoes
LEDIANATOMIC shall be used only and solely to make such purchase.
The company SHOES EXPERT EOOD offers to its customers the opportunity to buy online the products they have chosen benefiting from all promotional and holiday discounts. To order online you need to create your profile, this you can do here. For better service, the online shop for shoes LEDIANATOMIC recommends to create shopping profile.
The shop product range is divided in 4 main subsections - "Lady’s anatomic", "Lady’s orthopaedic", "Men anatomic" and "Men orthopaedic". Order through the site of online shop for shoes LEDIANATOMIC continues with the following steps:
After making your choice you must also select the appropriate shoe size which you can do by opening the link “size guide“, and tick your size and press the key «Buy». In this way your product has been already added in the shopping cart. In the same way you can buy different type and number of items.
Proceed forward with the key “Proceed to order” or go back with the key “Proceed with shopping”.
In the next window you create your profile or if you have already created such, go forward with the key ”Continue forward”.
The delivery shall be done by a courier service and now this is the only way of delivery this is why you continue with the key “Continue forward”. You select the way of payment and using the key “Continue forward” move to the last step of ordering. In this page you will see the products you have chosen, their number and unit price and the total price for the order. If you forget to add something or you want to edit the amount of some product, you can go back to the shopping chart and to do the editing with the key “Edit your shopping cart”. If your order is OK, press the key “Finish the order”. Your order is confirmed! Wait for e-mail that we will send you with the status of your order.
It is possible for the customer to replace a model in case it does not correspond to his/her size. When the courier arrives, please try on the shoes you have ordered. In case your size does not correspond, fill the form attached to the shipment marking the size you wish to be sent. In such case the costs for return of products shall be at your expense. You do not need to pay the cash on delivery before trying the shoes. For replacement it will be necessary only to mark the size of the respective model that you want to send you. The costs for replacement that is done in the subsequent time (you have tried on and paid the shipment) shall be at your expense.
If it is not possible to fulfil your order because of out of stock or for other reasons, you will be notified. The orders placed on the same day may be sent as one shipment and this should be additionally noted in the comments box.
The order final price is calculated as a sum of the prices of products ordered. All prices are with VAT included and are not subject to change in the period from making the order to its payment. The price for delivery is also included in the order price. has the right to change the prices announced on the site without further notice to users. If there are technical mistakes in the published prices, has the right to cancel the order and is not liable in any way to compensate the user. shall be obliged to return the sum if it is paid in advance.
The execution of your order may be blocked because of one of the following reasons:
1. One or all ordered goods are out of stock; in such case we shall notify you as soon as possible.
2. No payment is made (delay of payment) by the user, if the user has chosen to do a bank transfer.
3. The user has indicated wrong or incomplete address for the delivery.
4. There is no phone number for contact with the user.
If additional problems arise with the delivery through our fault, all additional costs shall be at our expense. In all other cases the subsequent sending of shipment shall be at your expense.
The user has the right to return the purchased goods within 7 working days as of the date of product purchase. This may be done only if the subject of deal is in its original packing, with no marks of use or without spoiling the ready-for-sale condition of goods.
If situations arise in relation with unsettled issues, the customer shall be entitled to address the unsettled issues to our assistant at the given correspondence address.